Updated June 4, 2001    SourceForge Logo 
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Player for Windows

    M3APlay version 0.5 (2.7 Mbytes)

NOTE: Requires Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000. This version does not yet work on Windows 95/98/Me.

Be sure to get a sample album too!

Sample Albums

  • scots_sampler.m3a (5.1 Mbytes)
    Thirteen 30-second samples plus a one-page cover
    Genre: Rockabilly/Pop

  • sample1.m3a (4.4 Mbytes)
    One full-length track
    Genre: ambient techno

Authoring Tools

I am currently devloping a "builder" application that will allow you to easily create your own M3A albums. Stay tuned for more details...


Python Logo Copyright © 2001 by Matt Kangas, all rights reserved.
Send feedback to openalbum-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net