Updated June 4, 2001    SourceForge Logo 
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How You Can Help

What you see here is the creation of one person who has worked in his spare time, sans compensation. Please consider making a donation of:

  • Developer tools: laptops, compilers, etc.
  • Programming manpower
  • Writing documentation
  • Getting the word out, especially to musicians and independent record labels

Whatever you can contribute will help to ensure that OpenAlbum becomes a reality as soon as possible, and earn you everlasting karma to boot.


  • Matt Kangas (matt@kangas.org)
    Chief cook and pot-scrubber
  • Andrew Gram &Alex Musayev
    Beta-testing and moral support

Friends of OpenAlbum

Help us out! Get your name here in blinking lights!


Python Logo Copyright © 2001 by Matt Kangas, all rights reserved.
Send feedback to openalbum-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net